Logo Area marina protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre

Area marina protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre

What's New

Recreational Fishing in the Marine Protected Area

Recreational fishing is a new tourist activity taking place on the boats of small-scale fishing. This activity aims at promoting the culture of the sea and the heritage of knowledge linked to sea professions and traditions.
It is a new proposal to meet the need of diversification in fishing within the Marine Protected Area, where the landscape beauty and the geomorphological features offer an ideal scenery to experience the emotion of a "catch" through the most ancient techniques and tricks and to taste fish, crustacea, and mollusks recently caught and cooked on board according to local recipes.
These activities are carried out according to the need of developing a responsible and long-lasting tourism. The Marine Protected Area has encouraged a certain number of fishermen who, accepting this new way to experience the relationship with the fishing activity and the sea, have prepared their boats to welcome visitors.

Further information (Italian text)