Main Features
  • trasp
    Observation huts (PR La Mandria) (photo by Archivio Parco Mandria)

The Visitor Centers are ideal gateways to start your visit in the Park. They provide information to discover the Protected Area, they often develop thematic routes or welcome structures for meetings and events, or simply provide publications and brochures, as well as gadgets and useful information.

74 Main Features found. Displaying matches 61 through 74 (Sort order: Zip Code and Municipality > Name)


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Visitor Center Province      
Visitor Center and Administrative Offices
(Parchi e Riserve del Lago Maggiore)
Mercurago di Arona (NO)
Mulino Vecchio in Bellinzago
(PR Ticino)
Bellinzago Novarese (NO)
Naturalistic Area "Le Ginestre" in Oleggio
Center of interest
(PR Ticino)
Oleggio (NO)
Villa Picchetta in Cameri
Center of interest
(PR Ticino)
Cameri (NO)
Park Center c/o the Hydroelectric Power Plant "Guido Davide Orlandi"
Cultural Center
(PR Ticino)
Galliate (NO)
Cicogna Information Center
(PN Val Grande)
Cossogno (VB)
Water Museum 'Acquamondo' in Cossogno
(PN Val Grande)
Cossogno (VB)
Mu.Ma.G. Museo del Marmo Rosa e del Granito (Pink Marble and Granite Museum)
(PN Val Grande)
Albo di Mergozzo (VB)
Castello Visconteo di Vogogna
(PN Val Grande)
Vogogna (VB)
Luigi Burlini Geological Laboratory
(PN Val Grande)
Vogogna (VB)
Intragna Visitor Center
(PN Val Grande)
Intragna (VB)
The Welcome Center
(RR Sacro Monte Ghiffa)
Ghiffa (VB)
Soapstone Archaeological Museum in Malesco
(PN Val Grande)
Malesco (VB)
Buttogno Visitor Center
(PN Val Grande)
Santa Maria Maggiore (VB)
Terme di Crodo Visitor Center
(PR Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero)
Crodo (VB)
Cornù Visitor Center
(PR Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero)
Varzo (VB)
  La Porteia Information Office
(PR Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero)
Varzo (VB)

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