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344 Items. Results from no. 201 to no. 220 (Sorting: Category > Item)


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Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 12 Mixed Color Pencils and Pencil Case with the Park Logo
(PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone)
Other Items3.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Biodegradable Pens of Laghi Suviana e Brasimone Park
(PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone)
Other Items3.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
Cap with logo and name of the Park
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Other Items5.00 €   
 Couple of Car Sunshades of Laghi Suviana e Brasimone Park
(PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone)
Other Items7.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Personalized Pencil with the Park Logo
(PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone)
Other Items1.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Sticker with the Logo of Foreste Casentinesi National Park
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Other Itemsfree 
 Photographic Posters
Six different photographic posters
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Posters2.50 €   
 Poster: Clearing
Author/s: Ferruccio Cucchiarini
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Posters1.50 €   
 Poster: Stream
Author/s: Ferruccio Cucchiarini
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Posters1.50 €   
 Poster: Woodland
Author/s: Ferruccio Cucchiarini
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Posters1.50 €   
 Alto Appennino Modenese
Map of the Trails (scale 1:25.000)
Publisher: SELCA Edizioni / CAI Sezione di Modena
(PR Frignano)
Maps and Guidebooks12.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Carta dei Sentieri del Parco Regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola - Scala 1:25.000
Official hiking map
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Maps and Guidebooksfree 
 Carta didattica del Parco Storico di Monte Sole
(PR Monte Sole)
Maps and Guidebooks  
  Cosa fare per... Guida ai servizi del Parco
(PR Boschi Carrega)
Maps and Guidebooksfree 
 Dai Lagoni a Monte Matto sulle tracce di antichi ghiacciai
Itinerari geologico-naturalistici nell'alto Appennino parmense
Author/s: Maria Angela Cazzoli, Alessandra Curotti, Giovanna Daniele
(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, Riserva MAB Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
Maps and Guidebooks  Skim online through the publication 
 Delta del Po - Dove fare birdwatching - Mappe ed elenco avifauna
(PR Delta Po ER)
Maps and Guidebooks  Skim online through the publication 
 Guida delle Aree Protette dell'Emilia-Romagna
Publisher: Touring Club Italiano
(PR Monte Sole)
Maps and Guidebooks  
 Guidebook for Hikers - Sasso Simone e Simonello Park
(PR Sasso Simone Simoncello)
Maps and Guidebooksfree 
 Hiking map Appennino Faentino scala 1:25.000 - Edizione 2019
Valli del Montone, Tramazzo, Acerreta, Lamone, Sintria, Senio, Santerno, Alto Mugello
Publisher: D.R.E.AM
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Maps and Guidebooks12.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
  Hiking Map in scale 1:12500
(PR Boschi Carrega)
Maps and Guidebooks3.00 €   

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