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(Manarola - Sede-, 19 Ago 19) Here attached the Brochure by RFI with rules of conduct and advice to be followed in railway stations and stops....
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Advice and rules of conduct to be followed in railway stations
(Monterosso al Mare, 19 Ago 19) Here attached the brochure of the events in August in the Municipality of Monterosso al Mare Download the brochure...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Calendars of event in August in the Municipality of Monterosso
(Vogogna, 30 Lug 19) The following bivouacs will not be available for the hikers in the places: Colma di Premosello: the night between Agoust 5th and 6th One of the bivouacs at Alpe In La Piana: from August 6th to 8th. One of bivouacs at Alpe Mottac: the night between August 8th and 9th. (D.D. n.225 del 29 lugli...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
The Park's bivouacs are closed to hikers from 5th to 9th August
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 16 Lug 19) White and red. New trail markers on the final section of trail n. 502, marked yesterday by the Italian Alpine Club. This section was officially inserted in the REL (Ligurian Excursion Network), with a variant, trail n. 502c, that leads to the marina of Manarola. The extreme verticality of trail n. 5...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
New trail markers on the final section of trail n. 502 and 502 C
From Monday 17th to Friday 21th June 2019
(Vogogna, 14 Giu 19) With ordinance no. 75 of 13th June 2019, the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola ORDERS the closure of SP road no. 90 Rovegro - Cicogna for works from 17th to 21th June 2019, 8.00 a.m.- 12.00 a.m. and 1.00-6.00 p.m. The passage of emergency vehicles is always allowed....
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
(Pantelleria, 12 Giu 19) "It is one of the biggest and the most evocative among small Italian islands. After the violent fire in 2016 that destroyed hundreds of hectares of forests, the island has been able to recover thanks to the newly established National Park and the appointment of the President and the Boards of Di...
Protected area: PN Isola di Pantelleria  |  Fonte: PN Isola di Pantelleria
Summer 2019: Pantelleria gains the Legambiente and Touring Club of Italy Five Sails
(Vogogna, 07 Giu 19) Tomorrow the 21st edition of the Club Alpino Italiano National Hiking Week will start. From 8th to 16th June the Val Grande National Park organizes many excursions and events with the Coordination of East Monte Rosa Sections, Val Grande National Park and its offici...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Tomorrow the National Hiking Week will start
(Vogogna, 31 Mag 19) The Municipality of Premosello, with Decree no 6/2019 has forbidden the transit of vehicles and pedestrians along the Alpe Lut - Alpe La Piana track on June 3rd from 7.30 a.m. This closure is necessary to allow the security work of a landslide. The reopening of the road wil...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Colloro and its mountains
Colloro and its mountains
(Vogogna, 21 Mag 19) The "Comuniterrae. Mappe di Comunità Culturali di Paesaggi Alpini nel Parco Nazionale della Val Grande" (Comuniterrae. Maps of Cultural Communities of Alpine Landscapes in the Val Grande National Park) project is among the four Italian winners of the EUROPEAN HERITAGE AWARD / Europa Nostra AW...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
The Comuniterrae project wins the EUROPEAN HERITAGE AWARD/Europa Nostra AWARD 2019
(Manarola - Sede-, 24 Apr 19) Please note that open-toe shoes and/or shoes with smooth soles or shoes without a non-slip “Vibram-type” sole are prohibited. Transgressors will be punished according to paragraph 2 of art. 30 of law 394/91 and subsequent modifications...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
On the Park paths with adequate shoes
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