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Park headquarters in Rocca di Mezzo - 4 and 5 August 2018
(Rocca di Mezzo, 27 Lug 18) In this summer, gastronomic excellence and handicrafts are on display, in the wonderful setting of the Park’s garden in Rocca di Mezzo (Villa Cidonio), location of the Velino Regional Park Market Exhibition, scheduled on 4 and 5 August 2018. Here, in the cradle of summer tourism, the stalls o...
Protected area: PR Sirente Velino  |  Fonte: PR Sirente Velino
Market exhibition of typical products and handicrafts - summer edition
Anchoring started yesterday, in the framework of the InterregMed EcoSustain Project
(Mantova, 13 Apr 18) With the EcoSustain project, Mincio Park has started a satellite monitoring action of the water quality using four profiling buoys. Anchoring and installation started yesterday in strategic spots and Natura 2000 sites (Valli del Mincio and Vallazza Nature Reserves and the lakes of Mantua) to analyse...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
Profiling buoys to analyse the river’s health and manage problems
The European Commission has awarded Mincio Park as best practice for the promotion of local economy
(Mantova, 26 Mar 18) In Brussels, the European Commission has selected Mincio Park as winner of the annual prize for the "Best practice in capitalising on local economy", for the Park’s activities in the field of ecotourism and environmental education. The prize was awarded during the annual EDEN meeting (European...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
Park president Maurizio Pellizzer accepts the award
Park president Maurizio Pellizzer accepts the award
With the chance to admire the storks building their nests
(Mantova, 20 Mar 18) After the winter break, Bertone Park - Mincio Park’s Visitor Centre - reopens on Sunday 25 March. The summer residence of the counts D’Arco is a typical example of Romantic garden, surrounded by a small wood where local and exotic trees grow, some of which are as old as 150 years of age....
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
Sunday 25 March: re-opening of Bertone Park
The stork reintroduction project carried out with the Bertone Centre is having a significant impact in terms of biodiversity
(Mantova, 16 Feb 18) Storks that were born along the Mincio river since the beginning of Mincio Park’s reintroduction project have reached the number of 272; the chronicle of the movements recorded over the last 20 years in the middle Mincio area is fascinating and rich in interesting anecdotes.Read more (Italian ...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
272 storks were born free on the Mincio River
(Mantova, 15 Gen 18) From 2012 to 2017, Mincio Park managed investments amounting to 25 million Euros, using them for public works and landscape improvement, ecological restoration, land promotion, environmental education.  We have created an interactive map to show where and how resources have been used within th...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
6 years of environmental asset: explore the map of Park-made works
Mincio Park represents Italy in a transnational programme to preserve biodiversity
(Mantova, 10 Ott 17) The new website of the transnational EcoSUSTAIN  Project (Ecological sustainable Governance of Mediterranean protected Areas via improved Scientific, Technical and Managerial Knowledge Base) is now online. It promotes collaboration and exchange of good practices to maintain biodiversity; the pr...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
EcoSUSTAIN, the new website is online
New itineraries in the Park
(Tonadico, 25 Set 17) The Park has created seven themed paths that provide deep insight into the territory’s environmental, natural, historical and anthropological features.  Make your visit interactive by downloading them on your mobile, using the AVENZA MAPS app, available for free on Mac and Android app st...
Protected area: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino  |  Fonte: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino
Hikers in the Park
Hikers in the Park
Countdown has also begun for the International Conference on Global Geoparks, to be held in 2018 in Madonna di Campiglio
(Strembo, 13 Set 17) From 7 to 9 September, President Joseph Masè and geologist Vajolet Masè represented Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark at the 14th European Geoparks Conference, held at Azores Geopark, Portugal. UNESCO invited Adamello Brenta Park to the conference "GEOPARKS: PATHWAYS OF SUSTAINABL...
Protected area: PR Adamello Brenta  |  Fonte: PR Adamello Brenta
Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark at the Azores for the 14th European Geoparks Conference
(Mantova, 16 Ago 17) Mincio Park reminds all those practicing wels catfishing that the Park has an agreement with a specialised company appointed to remove, within two hours, the carcasses of wels catfish. In order to do that, however, the fish have to be carried onto the ground. If you do, you can call the Park Authori...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
Wels catfish: the Park asks fishers not to release captured fish in the river
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