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(Vogogna, 29 Mar 17) We inform that fishing permits (“Tesserini per l’esercizio della pesca”) are available in Vogogna at the Park offices (Piazza Pretorio 6, side entrance from Vicolo Santa Marta) and at the headquarters of the Carabinieri command deployed at the Park (Coordinamento Territoriale Carab...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available
October 26th and 27th, 2016 - Primiero San Martino di Castrozza (TN)
(Tonadico, 30 Set 16) On the 26th and 27th of October 2016, the Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park and the Freiburg University invite you to take part in the international congress about the Western capercaillie in Primiero San Martino di Castrozza (TN) Further information and work schedule...
Protected area: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino  |  Fonte: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino
Ph Giovanni Pelucchi
Ph Giovanni Pelucchi
(Feltre, 27 Set 16) A delegation of the Korea National Park Service (KNPS) led by the Director Chung-Kuk Chung visited the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park. The Korea National Park Service, established in 1987, has about 2100 employees and manages a network of 21 National Parks representing the 6.7% of the ...
Protected area: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi  |  Fonte: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi
A delegation of the Korea National Park Service visits the Park
The environmental education program of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park starts again
(Feltre, 19 Set 16) "A scuola nel Parco" is the title of the environmental program organized by the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park for the kindergartens, the primary and the secondary schools. The proposed programs are structured, and the teachers can choose from half-day or one-day guided hikes, worksh...
Protected area: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi  |  Fonte: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi
'A scuola nel Parco' is back
Find all the events you cannot miss
(Tonadico, 23 Giu 16) The Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park is a wealth of biodiversity lying within unique landscapes, from the Pala group to the Logorai, from the Paneveggio forest to the Canali Valley and to the Vanoi Valley. For next summer we propose you a rich calendar of initiatives you c...
Protected area: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino  |  Fonte: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino
Summer 2016 in the Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park
(Feltre, 20 Giu 16) The Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park has been awarded the TripAdvisor 2016 Certificate of Excellence as tourist attraction. "This recognition" - said the Park's Director, Mr. Antonio Andrich - "arrives a few months after the achievement of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism...
Protected area: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi  |  Fonte: PN Dolomiti Bellunesi
The Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park has been awarded the TripAdvisor 2016 Certificate of Excellence
More than 400 proposals to live the emotions given to us by nature and to experience an unusual holiday
(Strembo, 16 Giu 16) Adamello Brenta Park's summer 2016 is rich in proposals and activities for everybody, from children to the bravest visitors! From 13th June to 18th September, the Park - in collaboration with the tourist businesses and the territorial tourist associations - organizes more than 400 activ...
Protected area: PR Adamello Brenta  |  Fonte: PR Adamello Brenta
'Un'estate da Parco 2016' in the Adamello Brenta Park
More than 300 participants took part in the nature photo contest organised by the Stelvio, Gran Paradiso, Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise and Vanoise National Parks
(Bormio, 05 Mag 16) The international jury members of the contest "Fotografare il Parco" (Photograph the Park) have declared the winners of the 11th edition. The contest is organized by: the Stelvio, the Gran Paradiso, the Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise and the Vanoise National Parks with the financial support of Swarovski Op...
Protected area: PN Stelvio  |  Fonte: PN Stelvio
The winners of 'Fotografare il Parco'
(Tonadico, 11 Mar 16) A few weeks ago we recommended to take note of the event entitled "Primavera in Val Canali" (Spring in Canali Valley), which this year takes place in two days, on 24th and 25th April... Well, if you did it, we are now pleased (and also satisfied) to present the program to you. It is rich in dat...
Protected area: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino  |  Fonte: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino
Primavera in Val Canali, here is the program…
The weekly pollen bulletin is back
(Tonadico, 01 Mar 16) The collection of data started in 2006 and is carried out in collaboration with the Research and Innovation Center of the E. Mach Foundation of San Michele all'Adige. The pollen bulletin is published especially for allergic people, in order to help them prevent the well-known unwanted e...
Protected area: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino  |  Fonte: PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino
Pollen bulletin in Primiero
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