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The attendance of the Val Grande
(Vogogna, 05 Mag 20) Park visits Due to the continuation of the health emergency, it is recommended to visit the Park keeping a careful and prudent approach, respecting the coronavirus-related national and regional regulations, valid until October 15th. Here are some recommendat...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
COVID-19 Emergency - Phase 2
(Vogogna, 18 Feb 20) We inform you that from Monday 17 February 2020 the Serena Bivouac in Corte di Buè is accessible and usable again by hikers, since the maintenance works on the bivouac cover have been completed. We really thank the Associazione Gruppo Escursionisti Val Grande (Hikers' Group Assoc...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Photo from the website
Photo from the website
(Vogogna, 18 Gen 20) Last December 18th, in Rome, during the inauguration of the new National Technical Committee of the UNESCO Intergovernmental MAB (Man and Biosphere) Programme, the 19 Italian Biosphere Reserves presented their short film, #ProudToShare, lasting one minute, aimed at showing how they are deali...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Presentation of the MAB Ticino Val Grande Verbano short film
Presentation of the MAB Ticino Val Grande Verbano short film
(Vogogna, 17 Gen 20) We inform you that it is forbidden to enter to the Alpe Scaredi bivouac, due to snow. It is not possible to heat with the wood stove and lights do not work as, in winter time, the solar panel is dismantled. Therefore, overnight accommodation is not recommended....
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Stock Photo Tim Shaw
Stock Photo Tim Shaw
(Vogogna, 14 Gen 20) We inform you that, from Monday 20th January 2020, the Serena Bivouac in Corte di Buè will be no longer accessible by hikers due to extraordinary maintenance works on its structure's roof. We will keep you duly informed about its reopening at the end of the work...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Photo from the website
Photo from the website
(Vogogna, 31 Ott 19) The Authority reports, along the mule track that goes up to the Colma, in the Alpe La Piana area, a situation of instability due to the recent rainfall dragging a lot of debris to the valley. It is possible to pass through, but it is recommended to pay attention, especially in the late afternoon and...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Instability at Alpe La Piana, wood shortage at Bocchetta di Campo and Alpe Ragozzale bivouacs
A contribution to reduce workplace accidents in Piedmont
(14 Ott 19) The Piedmont Region has created the new APP "Cantieri forestali sicuri". The free app is available both in Android and iOS formats for smartphones and tablets, as well as in a web version that could be used directly from a computer. For further information please visit this website:www.regione.pie...
Protected area: Aree Protette Po Torinese  |  Fonte: Aree Protette Po Torinese
Alder cutting in Rondissone (Photo by Po Torinese Protected Areas Archive)
Alder cutting in Rondissone (Photo by Po Torinese Protected Areas Archive)
(Vogogna, 14 Ott 19) The Park Authority informs that the works for the realization of hygienic services at Alpe Scaredi will start on Tuesday 15 October. The building next to the bivouac is forbidden to the public, as it is a construction site, as well as some areas surrounding it, the bivouac and the stallion, due to s...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Works at Alpe Scaredi - realization of hygienic services
Works at Alpe Scaredi - realization of hygienic services
(Vogogna, 08 Ott 19) The Park authority informs that the Alpe Straolgio bivouac is not accessible. In recent days, the bivouac door has been left open, allowing the entrance and stay of a flock of goats in the building, thus making the structure not accessible. This implies its immediate closure and the consequent waste...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
The Straolgio bivouac is not accessible
The Straolgio bivouac is not accessible
(07 Ott 19) Since November 1st, 2019 the email address is no longer active. All official communications to the Park Authority must be sent to this PEC address: For any further information or request, please visit the website
Protected area: Aree Protette Po Torinese  |  Fonte: Aree Protette Po Torinese
Courtyard of Cascina Le Vallere, main site of the Park (Photo by Micol Bramardi)
Courtyard of Cascina Le Vallere, main site of the Park (Photo by Micol Bramardi)
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