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(Ariano Polesine, 29 Mag 23) From June 1st until August 31st the Botanical Garden will be open on Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and all public holidays from 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. and from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m., for guided tours it is recommend booking at. +39 347 0452236 e-mail: prenotazioni.cosedelpo@gmai...
Protected area: PR Delta Po Veneto  |  Fonte: PR Delta Po Veneto
The Botanical Garden of Porto Caleri extends its opening days during the summer
(Ariano Polesine, 12 Mag 23) The ferry service for bicycles, between the banks of Porto Levante and Albarella, will be active until October 15,in the month of May on Friday, on Saturday and on Sunday,in the months of June, July, September and October on Tuesday, on Friday, on Saturday and on Sunday,and in the month of Augu...
Protected area: PR Delta Po Veneto  |  Fonte: PR Delta Po Veneto
In the mont of May start the ferry-service between Porto Levante and Albarella
(Comacchio, 31 Gen 23) During the tenth congress meeting for Federparchi, the network of Italian protected areas, (Rome 26 January), the new National Board of Directors was elected and Aida Morelli, president of the Po Delta Park Emilia Romagna re-elected. The congress assembly of the Italian Federation of Parks and Natur...
Protected area: PR Delta Po ER  |  Fonte: PR Delta Po ER
The President of the Po Delta Park Emilia Romagna Aida Morelli re-elected in the National Board of Federparchi
The event on Thursday 6 October
(Vogogna, 19 Set 22) The MuLM, the world's longest museum, of which the Park is a part with the emerging Pink Marble and Granite Museum in Mergozzo, is offering an extraordinary experience, completely free of charge, in the middle of Candoglia and Ornavasso marble quarries on Thursday 6 October. The event will be inclu...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Extraordinary experience, completely free of charge, in the middle of Candoglia and Ornavasso marble quarries
(Vogogna, 30 Mag 22) We inform hikers that, from 8 to 12 June 2022, the largest bivouac at In la Piana will be closed because it will be used for the Chiovini Path, celebrating its 24th edition this year. The Chiovini Path is the trek that, every year, retraces the paths used by the partisans to escape from the roundup...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Bivouac closed at In la Piana from 8 to 12 June
(Vogogna, 03 Mag 22) With the end of the health emergency, the bivouacs managed by the Park Authority are now fully usable again. However, we point out that: The toilet next to the Scaredi bivouac is closed, The toilet in the Colma di Premosello bivouac should not be used, due to lack of water, All the bivouacs lo...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
view from Mottac
view from Mottac
Cogne (AO), 27/30 September 2022
(Torino, 02 Feb 22) From 27 to 30 September 2022, the 8th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates (WCMU) will be held in Cogne, as part of the events planned for the Park’s hundredth anniversary, organised by the Grand Paradiso and Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Parks, in collaboration with Foundation Grand Pa...
Protected area: PN Gran Paradiso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Paradiso
Enrolments open for the 8th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates (WCMU)
(Vogogna, 20 Ott 21) Warning: due to the ongoing pandemic, accessing all Park's bivouacs is forbidden, except in cases of proven emergency. Furthermore, we inform you that: The bivouac located in Pian di Boit is currently entrusted to the Società Cooperativa Valgrande for building operations, therefore the acces...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
The Bivouac in Pian di Boit is CLOSED for maintenance works
Construction sites along Traversata Bassa (Low Crossing) of Val Grande and in the Ompio - Corte Buè – Cicogna area. Transit closure decrees issued.
(Vogogna, 17 Ago 21)   With the decision of the Director no. 117 dated 12.05.2021, this Authority has established the adjudication of the extraordinary maintenance works of the path In La Piana - L'Arca – Orfalecchio – P.te Velina that will start today, on Tuesday 17 August. The estimated duration o...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Velina Bridge (photo by Giancarlo Parazzoli, PNVG Archive)
Velina Bridge (photo by Giancarlo Parazzoli, PNVG Archive)
Thanks to the resources made available by the Italian Ministry of the Ecological Transition (“Climate” Decree)
(Venaria Reale, 21 Lug 21) The resources made available by the Italian Ministry of the Ecological Transition (“Climate” Decree) make it possible to reforest 10 hectares of artificial poplar groves. In the heart of La Mandria Nature Park there are still 30 hectares of artificial poplar groves. These are ageing an...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Ente di gestione delle aree protette dei Parchi Reali
Poplar grove
Poplar grove
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