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Environmental restoration of waterbodies. The LIFE SILIFFE case study
(Treviso, 13 Apr 17) Date: 19/04/2017 Time: 8.45 Venue: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Scientific Campus, Room Delta 0B, via Torino, 155 Mestre (VE) Speaker: Dr. Marco Zanetti, BIOPROGRAMM s.c. Organisation: Prof. Piero Franzoi of the Department of Environment, IT and Statistics Name of the event: Environm...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Conservation measures for water environments and species, and restoration activities in the framework of the Natura 2000 Network
(Treviso, 13 Apr 17) Date: 19/04/2017 Time: 10.30 Venue: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Scientific Campus, Room Delta 0B, via Torino, 155 Mestre (VE) Speaker: Dr. Lisa Causin of Region Veneto Organisation: Prof. Piero Franzoi of the Department of Environment, IT and Statistics Name of the event: Conservati...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
One section of the Slovene Ministry of Environment’s study trip to Italy focused on the LIFE14 NAT/IT/0809 SILIFFE project
(Treviso, 06 Apr 17) In the framework of the LIFE Capacity Building (LIFE14 CAP/SI/000012) project, the LIFE focal point at Slovenia’s Ministry of Environment undertook a study trip to Italy in April 2017, in order to study some LIFE projects that are being carried out in our country. On Tuesday, 4 April 2017, th...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
(Treviso, 24 Mar 17) On Monday, 20 March 2017, President of the Province of Treviso Stefano Marcon and President of the Sile River Regional Park Authority Nicola Torresan have signed a cooperation agreement on the procedures concerning calls for bids to award works, supply, or service contracts in the framework of the L...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
The Province of Treviso and Sile Park Authority signed an Agreement to implement the LIFE14 NAT/IT7000809 LIFE SILIFFE Project
(Treviso, 13 Mar 17) During the “Pescare Show 2017” exhibition held Saturday, 25 February 2017 at Vicenza Expo, a meeting was held on “River restoration in flatland water courses, role of authorities and fishing associations”. During the event, arch. Ruggero Sartorato and dr. Marco Zanetti presen...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Pescare Show 2017
Quinto di Treviso, Wednesday, 14th December, 5 pm
(Treviso, 21 Dic 16) On Wednesday, 14th December, at 5 pm, a conference was held at the Town Auditorium of Quinto di Treviso (Piazza Roma). The event focused on “Agriculture and phytosanitary defence within the territory of the Sile River Regional Park”, and addressed farmers and trade associations. It was o...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Conference on agriculture and phytosanitary defence
Town Auditorium, Quinto di Treviso Wednesday, 14th December, 5 pm
(Treviso, 07 Dic 16) AGRICULTURE AND PHYTOSANITARY DEFENCE On Wednesday, 14th December, at 5 pm, a conference will be held at the Town Auditorium of Quinto di Treviso (Piazza Roma). The event focuses on “Agriculture and phytosanitary defence within the territory of the Sile River Regional Park”, and address...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Action C4 - Interventions for indigenous water fauna
(Treviso, 25 Nov 16) On 8th and 9th November 2016 a meeting took place with the Association of Tolmino Fishermen (Ribiska Druzina Tolmin) and the Slovenian Fishing Authority (Zavod Za Ribistvo), to verify whether it would be possible to find grayling specimens of the Adriatic strain. Talks took place with the Presid...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Agreements to introduce the Adriatic grayling in the Sile River
(Treviso, 21 Lug 16) The brochure about the LIFE 14 NAT/IT/000809 - LIFE SILIFFE project is now available. A simple means informing the citizens about the activities and the goals of the project to improve the ecosystem of the Sile river....
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Brochure of the LIFE 14 NAT/IT/000809 - LIFE SILIFFE Project
(Treviso, 17 Giu 16) The implementation of the conservation actions provided by the SILIFFE Project goes on. In particular, the action C6 about the "Control and eradication of the Procambarus clarkii", aimed at controlling the allochthonous shrimp species threatening the conservation status of the autochthonous ones...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
LIFE SILIFFE - Action for the control of the allochthonous shrimps
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