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The participatory process described by the coordinator Pina Leone at Expo 2015

(18 Giu 15)

On Tuesday 15th June, at the Auditorium Palazzo Italia, in the areas of Expo 2015, the project coordinator Pina Leone spoke during the meeting entitled "Appennino Parco d'Europa - I parchi abruzzesi all'Expo per il rilancio dell'economia e del turismo" (Apennine Europe's park - The Abruzzi's parks at Expo to relaunch the tourism economy), promoted by the Region Abruzzi and by Federparchi.

The meeting has taken place in the week (12th - 18th June) dedicated to the Gran Sasso Laga Park within the "Biodiversity Park" pavilion, organized by Federparchi and by the Ministry of Environment. During the meeting it has been shown the documentary by RAI entitled "La terra trema - Coltivare per ricostruire" (The earth shakes - cultivating to rebuild) realized for the series "Experia" by the filmmaker and narrator Guido Morandini. In the autumn of 2014 the author followed and filmed some moments of the participatory process, besides some phases of the exchange of seeds between the farmers keepers of the Park.

During the meeting - which the representatives of the Abruzzi's parks and the RAI authors took part in to talk about the role of the protected areas for the Abruzzi Region - Dr. Leone explained the participatory method currently used by the Park Authority to manage the relationship with the territory, in order to identify shared solutions to the problems that trigger conflicts between the socio-economic activities and common conservation interests.

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
The participatory process described by the coordinator Pina Leone at Expo 2015
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