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Mr. Nicoletti, the Park's Director, announces the next meetings with the local governments

(29 Ott 15)

On the occasion of the staff's monthly meeting, the Park's Director, Domenico Nicoletti, had the opportunity to analyze the themes of the project and to appreciate its goals aimed at improving the management of the grasslands within the integration between conservation needs and sustainable use.

In particular he highlighted how, thanks to the EU co-financing, the project allowed the breeders to receive useful facilities for the grazing, shelters and fencing, and guard dogs as well, guaranteeing a continuous management and health assistance at the same time.
It has been also highlighted the commitment to guarantee an appropriate availability of watering points through the renovation of the damaged troughs, such as the one already available in Banconi, at an altitude of 1,800 meters, and that of Racollo, not completed yet.
Such actions, in the framework of the biodiversity conservation, aim at better organizing the pasture and making the job of breeders easier, contributing to improve the economy linked with the traditional zootechnics.

(Read more in Italian)

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
Banconi's watering trough completed
Banconi's watering trough completed
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