Main Features

The veterinarians support the breeders in the management of their farms

405 surveys have been carried out
(21 Gen 16)

A structured series of actions focused on assistance and spread of best practices -  many of which implemented thanks to the constant debate with the breeders - have been carried out by the project veterinarians in order to facilitate and encourage the grazing at high altitudes. Their interventions are linked with the Actions A5 - Assessment of management problems connected to the extensive breeding of bovines and equines on the mountain pastures, C2 - Fostering homogeneous grazing practices and E1 - Disclosure of best practices and management inputs.

The first edition provided a deep assessment of the business management modalities, to highlight the problems that, if linked with the lacking adoption of best breeding practices, could be solved with direct interventions.
During the surveys they collected all the information useful to formulate the business profile and to create an innovative database: the location of the breeding farms and the mostly used grazing areas, the facilities in use and the grazing modalities, the management of the vulnerable categories and of the health aspects, the factors connected with the genetics and the reproduction, the structural needs and those of the watering points.

(Read more in Italian)

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
Bovine breeding farm
Bovine breeding farm
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