Main Features

The educational path for schools entitled “Impara dai pastori” (Learn from Shepherds) has been launched

(03 Mar 16)

Within the actions aimed to the cultural dispersal of the project, an educational program dedicated to the environmental sustainability and addressing the schools, entitled "Impara dai pastori", has been launched in the last days to spread the knowledge of the ancient and modern shepherd culture in the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park.

The project is carried out by the qualified operators of the territorial "Help Desks", and it will enable pupils to better study the typical features of a shepherd's daily life, with the final goal to make the new generations aware of the importance of the shepherds' practices considered as common heritages to know, safeguard and enhance.

(Read more in Italian)

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
Herd grazing in Campo Imperatore
Herd grazing in Campo Imperatore
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