Logo Parco Naturale Regionale dell'Antola

Parco Naturale Regionale dell'Antola

Environmental Education

Centro Esperienze del Parco dell'Antola
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Centro Esperienze del Parco dell’Antola, recognized by the Department of the Environment through the program IN.F.E.A (Information, Training, Environmental Education), has been working since 2001 in the field of Environmental Education.
The structure consists of qualified operators in the field of nature, with specific competence as far quality of water is concerned, as well as of authorized Environmental Tourist Guides. The Center suggests hikes, guided visits, thematic meetings, and various educational itineraries to discover the nature environments and the rural realities of the Park territory, with particular attention to the issue of water and freshwater environments.
The proposals, for one or more days, can be adjusted to specific needs and are dedicated to schools of any grade, but also to groups and people who are interested in them.

You can contact the operators of Centro Esperienze from Tuesday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in Via Nostra Signora della Provvidenza, 3 - 16029 Torriglia (GE) - Tel. 010/944175 - Fax 010/9453007 - E-mail: ceantola@parcoantola.it

Educational Proposals for the School Year 2008/2009

Educational Proposals for the School Year 2008/2009
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(the following links all lead to Italian texts)

Catalogue of the Educational Proposals 2008/2009 (PDF - 1,4Mb)

If you want to take part in the educational proposals of the Experience Center, you should fill in and send the entry form you find in the last page of the catalogue to: Centro Esperienze del Parco dell'Antola, Fax 010/9453007 - E-mail: ceantola@parcoantola.it
During the school year, the participation fee can be subject to reductions for regional or provincial funds.