
Parco Archeologico Storico Naturale delle Chiese Rupestri del Materano

Escursioni nel Parco

Three pocket books - Itineraries by Luigi Esposito - General Aspects, AA.VV. - Useful Information

"Escursioni nel Parco" is an essential and complete guidebook, published with the aim to promote the knowledge of the Park territory.
The guidebook is divided into three parts:
- In the first part, each author - according to his/her own competence, focuses on the general aspects of the protected area, describing its geological features, flora and fauna, the rupestrian churches, caves, farms, sheepfolds, and more information on the "nature towns" of Matera and Montescaglioso.
- The second part includes the itineraries, with information on the route, length, level of difficulty. The itineraries described and drawn in this "pocket" guidebook by Luigi Esposito, have been created to promote a correct approach to hiking.
- The third part is dedicated to useful information for the tourist and the rules of behavior which must be respected by visitors.
  • Series: ParcoMurgia
  • Author/s: AA.VV.
  • Price: 6.00 €  
Escursioni nel Parco
Escursioni nel Parco
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