Logo Parco naturale Orsiera Rocciavrè

Parco naturale Orsiera Rocciavrè

360 degree Panoramas

Virtual Tour of Parco Orsiera Rocciavrè

... click on the photos to see a 360° view of the place

In these pages you will find some 360° views: they are interactive images which give you the opportunity to observe the scene in a dynamic way, as if you were looking around.

When you see the view on your screen, you will be able to explore it by keeping pressed one button of the mouse and by moving it (moreover, the keys Ctrl and Alt in the Macintosh, and Ctrl and Caps in the Windows allow you to zoom back and forth).
If your browser should not have the necessary plug-in QuickTime VR, you can download it free of charge from the Apple official site, both for Macintosh and Windows.

360 degree Parks, to "visit" the Parks which have provided 360 degree pictures

Orsiera Rocciavrè View from Orsiera
Orsiera Rocciavrè
(from Piemonte Parchi Web)
View from Orsiera
(from the Park web site)