
Restare, tornare. Nuova vita per le montagne

Foreste di Lombardia Special

The title of this publication (Leaving, coming back. New life for the mountains) recalls concepts of hope, auspice, promise. Clear and immediate words summarizing an important message that Regione Lombardia supports with strength and determination. As a matter of fact, after the considerable depopulation interesting the mountain territory in the latests decades, in the Alps there are increasingly significant and interesting phenomena of return to the "high lands" also by young people. With this work, although not comprehensive in the survey, we have tried to demonstrate that the mountain culture and values are not at all old-fashioned.
  • Series: Foreste da Vivere
  • Edited by: AA.VV.
  • Publisher: ERSAF - Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Agricoltura - Associazione Gente di Montagna
  • Pages: 92 + XII
  • Size: 20x24cm
  • Year: 2009
  • Price: 10.00 €  
Restare, tornare. Nuova vita per le montagne
Restare, tornare. Nuova vita per le montagne
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