Logo Riserva Naturale Orientata di Bosco Solivo

Riserva Naturale Orientata di Bosco Solivo

An Area of Great Landscape and Naturalistic Value

Where in Italy Riserva Naturale Orientata di Bosco Solivo
Riserva naturale orientata di Bosco Solivo is managed by Ente parchi del Lago Maggiore. The area has a limited extension, but a great landscape and naturalistic value in a territorial context (Basso Verbano - Vergante - Lago Maggiore) of great tourist interest which needs to enhance its complex system of historical-cultural, artistic, and environmental features. The nature reserve is almost entirely interested by Würmian morainic deposits forming the Verbano amphitheater and a gentle and hilly landscape. The area of Bosco Solivo houses a forest vegetation mainly dominated by a moorland Scots pinewood, oak and hornbeam wood of the upper plain, coppice chestnut tree wood characterized by Teucrium scorodonia, common alder wood, black locust wood, and white pine reforestation.

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