Logo Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare

Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare

What's New

Summer in the Reserve

Summer in the Reserve

Summer activities for adults and children, from one day to one week

Book a visit

Discover the new activities of Riserva Marina di Miramare (PDF, Italian text - 609 Kb)

Download the following PDF files:

- Module ARA (56 Kb)
- Module SW (50 Kb)
- Module SW under 18 (56 Kb)
- Module short courses (57 Kb)
- Module videos/photos (24 Kb)
- Rules for the small courses (27 Kb)

For information (from Monday to Friday, from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.): Tel. 040/224147 - E-mail: infosub@riservamarinamiramare.it

Blu Blog, the Online Scientific Notebook of the Gulf of Trieste

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One of the first Italian blogs dedicated to Scientific Activity for the Sea was born for the Gulf of Trieste

It is a new instrument of communication and comparison on the world wide web. It is so innovative that many people still do not know its meaning and importance: an online notebook where the author shares opinions and thoughts on events of interest both for him and for other web users, who will be no longer just "readers", but will become co-authors.

The online scientific notebook of the Gulf of Trieste for scientific activity linked to the sea can be seen at the address: www.blublog.net
If you have comments, please write to the address: info@blublog.net

Press Release - 14/02/2006 (PDF, Italian text - 27 Kb)

Liberation of the Turtle Caretta caretta in the Waters in Front of the Marine Reserve

Press release - 12/07/2005

On 26th June a sea turtle (Caretta caretta) was found offshore Duino Aurisina. The turtle was kept under observation until the morning of 12th July.
The attentions paid by the staff of the Reserve and the advice given by Dott. Paolo Zucca led to its liberation in the waters in front of the protected area.
The turtle has been freed in collaboration with the staff of Trieste Port Authority.


Turtle Caretta caretta Turtle Caretta caretta Turtle Caretta caretta Turtle Caretta caretta

Visits by Boat

Summer underwater visits end on 31st October 2005. However, to meet the visitors' needs, the visits by boat - both day and night visits - will be carried out for groups of at least 6 participants.

For information: E-mail: info@riservamarinamiramare.it or call the number 040/224147. Until mid-April.

WWF Environmental Certificate:
"Miramare prima area protetta DOC"

The Ecolabel and Ecoaudit National Committee has issued the EMAS certificate for the area managed by WWF: "We are proud to be the first Italian marine protected area receiving the European certificate for environmental management"

Riserva Marina di Miramare, one of the 130 areas managed by WWF, after being the first marine park to be established in Italy, has also been the first marine protected area to receive the EMAS certificate.

Press release - 25/11/2004