Logo Riserva naturale statale Abbadia di Fiastra

Riserva naturale statale Abbadia di Fiastra




First National Festival Dedicated to Herbs and Natural Products
From 12th to 15th May 2005

From 12th to 15th May 2005 HERBARIA will be held, a national festival of the herbs and the natural products. The Festival, which will take place in the unique frame of Abbazia di Fiastra, will include the following events:

  • "Monastica" - Exhibit of the herbal products of the millenary monastery industry.
  • "Ritratti d'erbe" - Festival of ancient, contemporary, and virtual herbaria.
  • "Il Mercato Verde" - The "festival" of herbs and natural products.
  • "I piatti dell'orto" - The herb menus suggested by the restaurants of the province of Macerata.
  • "Il prato è servito" - The labs to learn how to cook and to decorate your table with herbs.
  • "Dis-corsi d'erbe" - Meeting/experience on the knowledge and the taste of herbs.
  • "Essenze del benessere" - Experiences regarding the psycho-physical benefits of the knowledge and use of herbs.
  • "Cercando Belladonna" - Journeys and trails to discover Parco dei Monti Sibillini.
  • "In forma d'erbe" - Stage of shiatsu-herbs-essences to recover the psycho-physical harmony.

Fondazione Carima (Tel. 0733/261487)
www.herbaria.it - info@herbaria.it

"Premio Nazionale Massimo Urbani" - 9th Edition

Premio Nazionale Massimo Urbani

End of September 2005

At the end of September, the 9th Edition of the National Prize Massimo Urbani, dedicated to young talented jazz artists, will take place.

For further information: