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The Structures Joining the Project

The Ecolabel for tourism was born on 14 April 2003, when the European Commission extended the possibility to apply the Community ecological quality label to tourist accommodation services (Decision 2003/287/CE).
The tourist structures that have been awarded the European Ecolabel distinguish themselves for their commitment to the safeguard of the environment and, as a consequence, of human health.
The presence of the Ecolabel gives tourists guarantees about:

  • The control of air, water, and soil pollution, above all thanks to the use of environmentally-friendly products
  • The correct waste management and separate collection
  • The reduction of energy and resource waste
  • The safeguard of biodiversity in the areas under the direct control of the accommodation structure
  • A healthy diet, partly based on regional organic products.

Besides guaranteeing well-being and eco-quality to tourists, the Ecolabel gives a series of benefits to the accommodation structure applying it.

Web site of the European Union
National web site (in Italian)

The Ecolabel
25 records found. Displaying matches 21 through 25 (Sort order: Accommodation structure > Zip Code > Municipality > Name)


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EcoRules  Name of the StructureCategoryLocalitySpecial Offers


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