National Parks
- André-Félix
- Bamingui-Bangoran
- Manovo-Gounda Saint Floris
- Zdanga-Ndoki
Presidential Parks
Strict Nature Reserves
- Mbaéré-Bodingué
- Vassaka-Bolo
Wildlife Reserves
- Aouk-Aoukale
- Gribingui-Bamingui
- Koukourou-Bamingui
- Nana-Barya
- Ouandja-Vakaga
- Yata-Ngaya
- Zemongo
Special Reserves
Biosphere Reserves
Protected Areas in Central African Republic
The Country is rich in natural resources. The flora varies according to climatic conditions: thick forests in the south, woody savannah in the center and grassland savannah in the north.
The wildlife of Central Africa is rich and varied: almost all the African species are represented in the area. The size and nature of the species vary according to the kind and quality of flora: from elephants to gorillas, from chimpanzee to crocodiles, from hippos to giraffes, etc. The importance and diversity of the fauna have enabled the creation of several parks and reserves. Among the most famous: the park Manovo-Gounda-Saint-Floris, offering in the dry season one of the greatest concentrations of hippos in the world; the park Bamingui-Bangoran in the north; and the park Dzanga-Sangha in the south-west.
Sources: République Centrafricaine - Centre d'échange de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique