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Lake Nakuru National Park

Environmental Education

Environmental Education Center

Pelicans Lake Nakuru Education Center was established in 1976 as an education base for creating Wildlife Conservation awareness and providing information to the general Kenya public and visitors through Education Programs. This was intended to make Kenyans appreciate and support wildlife conservation for its biodiversity, aesthetic, cultural, scientific and economic value.


  • Providing opportunities for people to learn more about environmental and wildlife conservation
  • Creating awareness, understanding and appreciation of wild animals and their habitats
  • Sensitizing people to be more responsible in managing and utilizing the environment and wildlife
  • Providing accurate information on conservation to visitors
  • Generating revenue

Education Programs

The Center provides opportunities for conservation education to school and community groups. It is also used as a base to reach out to communities, schools and other conservation groups through various conservation awareness programs. Some of the education programmes include:

  • Weekend and public holiday community education bus tours to the Park. Two guided tours are conducted per day (weekend and public holiday) and the collection point is Nakuru Railway station.

Further information