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Tsavo East National Park

Environmental Education

Educational Activities in the Park


Tsavo East Conservation Education Center

The Center aims at disseminating environmental/wildlife conservation awareness to all Kenyans and members of the international community. For this reason, it uses various methods to pass the relevant conservation messages to the visiting individuals or organized groups.


  • Guided park interpretation tours
  • Lectures at the center
  • Video shows
  • Exhibits
  • Library references
  • Guided nature trail walks
  • Outreach, lecture and video show programmes to schools and training institutions
  • Dramatized conservation activities for visitors e.g plays, folklore, role play


  • Providing opportunities for the people to learn more about environmental/wildlife conservation
  • Creating awareness, understanding and appreciation of wild animals and their habitats
  • Sensitizing people to be more responsible in managing and utilizing the environment
  • Changing peoples' attitudes to have positive concern for environmental/wildlife conservation
  • Winning peoples' appreciation and support for natural resources conservation

Further information