Parks, Reserves, and other Protected Areas in

Sweden: Norrland

Interactive Map

Sweden was the first country in Europe to create National Parks, the first nine of which were founded in 1909. The most recent addition is Kosterhavets National Park (2009).

The basic idea of national parks is to preserve parts of the national and cultural heritage for future generations. According to Swedish law, the national parks are to be representative biotopes which are preserved in their natural state or essentially unchanged, but also beautiful environments to be experienced by visitors. Read more

National Parks

 Abisko National Park7.700 ha
 Haparanda Skärgård National Park6.000 ha
 Muddus National Park1.500 ha
 Padjelanta National Park1.948.000 ha
 Pieljekaise National Park15.340 ha
 Sarek National Park3.900 ha
 Stora Sjöfallet National Park127 ha
 Vadvetjåkka National Park100 ha
 Björnlandet National Park1.100 ha
 Hamra National Park28 ha
 Sånfjället National Park10.400 ha
 Skuleskogen National Park2.360 ha

The photo next to the name of the protected area means that you will find information directly updated by the respective Park Authorities.
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