National Parks
- Lake Lanoto'o
- O Le Pupu Pu'e
Nature Reserves
- Cape Puava Forest
- Mt Vaea Botanical Reserve
- Tusitala Historic
Botanical Reserves
- Falealupo Forest Preserve
- Nu'usafe'e Island
- Palolo Deep
- Togitogiga
Other Protected Areas
- Aganoa Beach
- Apolimafou Wetlands
- Fuipisia/Sopo'aga Gorge
- Fusi-Tafitaola Reef
- Lake Mafane Upland Forest
- Lake Olomaga
- Lata Forest
- Leanamoea Beach
- Matautu Lowland Swamp Forest
- Mount Silisili
- Msngaloa Swamp Forest
- Nu'utele Islands
- Pata Mangroves
- Sa'anapu-Sataoa
- Salamumu
- Sasina
- Sato'alepai Mangroves
- Satuimalufilufi-Fuailolo'o Reef
- Tafua Rainforest Reserve
- Taupou's Grave Lava
- Tiavi /gorge and Falls
- Tufutafoe Swamp
- Uafato
- Vaipu Wetlands
Protected Areas in Samoa
According to the data provided by the World Database on Protected Areas, in Samoa there are 2 National Parks, 3 Nature Reserves, one Botanical Reserve, 4 Reserves, and 24 other Protected Areas.
Source: World Database on Protected Areas (WCPA)