
The Nature Sanctuaries managed by WWF Italia are today 106. They cover about 31,000 ha - out of which 6,500 ha are WWF property - and are scattered throughout the territory: they are a complex and well-structured protected area system, the largest system managed by a private Association in Italy, and one of the largest ones in Europe. Read more

Other Protected Areas

 Giardino di Ninfa (Oasi Affiliata WWF)1.852 ha
 Oasi WWF Bosco Foce dell'Arrone40 ha
 Oasi WWF Forre di Corchiano42 ha
 Oasi WWF Macchiagrande280 ha
 Oasi WWF Pian Sant'Angelo254 ha
 Oasi WWF Vasche di Maccarese33 ha

The photo next to the name of the protected area means that you will find information directly updated by the respective Park Authorities.
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