The metamorphosis of serpentine: landscape and architecture
The ANPIL of Monteferrato extends between the valleys of the Bisenzio and the Agna, on the north-eastern edge of the plain between Prato and Pistoia; it is becoming an ever more significant part of the territory, with the implementation of strategies of management of its different landscapes through the development of the Landscape Program.

The geographical sphere is distinguished by particular geological and botanical aspects. The ofiolitic structure of much of the ANPIL has given rise to the development of numerous endemic plants, specific both for their exterior appearance and for their chromosomic composition, also due to the presence of heavy metals in the soil, like a number of specials of orchids.

The ophiolites are the main structure of Monteferrato. In particular, the 'serpentine' – here known as "the green marble of Prato" – has acquired particular importance for having been used for the construction of polychrome walls in the medieval and Renaissance architecture of Tuscany and other parts of central Italy.

Currently the area has three systems of safeguards in activity:
  1. geological, with the presence of the abandoned quarries of 'serpentine' and palombini shales;
  2. naturalistic, for the flora and systems of vegetation;
  3. historical, for the existence of Renaissance villas and an agrarian landscape created by human settlements from the Etruscan to the middle of the past century. An active system of hiking and biking trails was recently reactivated by the management to facilitate the flow of visitors.

Founded: 1998
Area: 4486 hectares
Altitude: 100 – 931 meters above sea level
Management: Anpil (Protected Nature Area) of Monteferrato, c/o Municipality of Montemurlo (PO), tel. 0574-558327
Municipalities involved: Montemurlo, Prato, Vaiano.

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