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Tuesday, August, 21, starting at 9.30 am, sea cleaning of Monterosso Marine Protected Areas.
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 20 Ago 18) The vessel, used for the collection and stowage of floating litter and supplied to Marine Protected Areas, continues its journey in stages in the Cinque Terre hamlets to collect waste, especially the bulkiest, and then dispose of it in a correct manner. Wednesday 8 and Thusday 9 August, starti...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Sea cleaning Riomaggiore 2017
Sea cleaning Riomaggiore 2017
(Manarola - Sede -, 13 Ago 18) In recent days, in Levanto, the Director of the Cinque Terre National Park Patrizio Scarpellini met with Marshal Sergio Petruzzello, Levanto Maritime local Commissioner, expressing appreciation for the surveillance activity carried out to protect the Protected Marine Area. The Director of the Natio...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
The Region of Liguria with Executive Decree no 589 of 02/08/2018 declared THE STATE OF SERIOUS DANGER FOR FOREST FIRES on the whole Ligurian territory
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 11 Ago 18) From 00:01 of 04/08/2018...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
State of serious danger for forest fires
State of serious danger for forest fires
Arpal, today a slight drop in temperatures but the heat increases
(Manarola - Sede-, 06 Ago 18) No sign of decreasing the heat wave on Liguria: Arpal reports the minimum temperature on 30°C in Alassio (Savona) and a percentage of humidity equal to 70% in Genoa, while at 10.30 am yesterday in Monterosso, in 5 Terre, temperature reached 35.4 degrees. The heat wave, according to the Arpal for...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Warm, attention to the heat wave.
From the Press Agency of the Ligurian Regional Council
(Genova, 26 Lug 18) Assigned the executive planning and confirmed for a total of 12 million euros of fundings (5 already allocated, 7 confirmed today) for the works of Via dell'Amore, the panoramic path overlooking the sea that links Manarola to Riomaggiore, closed from 2012 due to a landslide. Further information (in...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Sunday 29 July 2018 from 08.45am to 12pm, the new Trekking that combines fitness and ecology.
(Manarola - Sede, 26 Lug 18) What is Plogging? It is a new trend that combines ecology and fitness. Plogging, a Swedish word formed by 'pick up' and 'run', is an activity in which you could run or walk collecting small abandoned waste along the path. Itinerary. Transfer by bus to the hamlet of Volastra. The departure from the ...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Plogging along paths. Manarola - Volastra
From 21st July to 15th September, local and internationally renowned artists will perform for the musical review organized by the Cesar Franck Association, born to enhance the Cinque Terre heritage.
(Riomaggiore, 11 Lug 18) Further information (in Italian)...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Artists of the XXXVII Cinque Terre International Music Festival
Environment news n.3
(La Maddalena, 11 Lug 18) Download the Environment News n. 3 enclosed about the activities of bats monitoring and protection....
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Environment News n.2
(La Maddalena, 04 Lug 18) Download here the environment news n. 2 of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Colonial marine birds: good practice
Environmental news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park
(La Maddalena, 27 Giu 18) Dowload the environment news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park here enclosed that concerns the invasive exotic species. Remember that if you have a Trachemys scripta, you could keep on breeding it but you have to declare its possession to the Ministry of the Environment and Protection ...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
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