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(Treviso, 19 Lug 17) Now the Sile Park can be reached on its renewed official website at The Park Authority constantly checks and updates all its contents, from the home page, which features a navigation bar in common with all the subpages, to the numerous boxes that emphasise some information on natur...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile, new design and better accessibility
Friday, 21st July, 9.15pm, Shrine of Soviore in Monterosso: Victor Contreras, organ concert. Music by Baroque Mexican composers of the 18th century
(Manarola - Sede, 13 Lug 17) Born in Tultepec, Mexico, Victor Contreras studied organ and harpsichord in Paris with Eric Lebrun, Élisabeth Joyé and Richard Siegel. He held organ specialisation courses at the Regional Conservatory of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne, France), at the National Music Co...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Victor Contreras, organista
Victor Contreras, organista
(Treviso, 27 Giu 17) As the minimum number of participants has been reached, the above mentioned course will be held at the Park offices, via Tandura 40 – Treviso. PROGRAMME Thursday, 29 June Beginning of theoretical class, 9.30 am Lunch break, 1 pm Afternoon class, from 2 to 6.30 pm Friday, 30 June ...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
(Treviso, 22 Giu 17) Concrete conservation actions in the framework of the SILIFFE Project go on, in particular through Action C4 - Interventions for autochthonous water fauna - aimed at restoring biodiversity, especially fish species of Community interest such as marble trouts and graylings. During the months of May a...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Action C4 - 2017
Sant’Agata di Militello - Nebrodi Park (Sicily) - 13-14 October 2017
(Caronia, 14 Giu 17) The Nebrodi Park Authority, the University of Palermo, and AIPIN (Italian Association for Soil Bioengineering), supported by AVIF (Association of Forest Nurseries), organise this international meeting, which will focus on themes connected with soil defence, interventions of habitat renaturalization ...
Protected area: PR Nebrodi  |  Fonte: PR Nebrodi
3rd International Meeting on Soil Bioengineering: Materials and techniques for interventions of ecosystem restoration
(Treviso, 08 Giu 17) On 7 June 2017, in the framework of activities listed in the cooperation agreement between the Sile River Regional Park Authority and the Province of Treviso, the latter - in its capacity as contracting authority - prepared a Call for bids to select the operator that will carry out the interventions...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Happy epilogue after one year of care and veterinary assistance
(Sabaudia, 01 Giu 17) After one year of care in two partner structures - Zoomarine in Pomezia and Anton Dohrn zoological station in Naples - two gorgeous Caretta Caretta turtles were released on the beach by the port of San Felice Circeo. The two sea turtles had been rescued in...
Protected area: PN Circeo  |  Fonte: PN Circeo
Valizia and Viventi
Valizia and Viventi
(Treviso, 30 Mag 17) On Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April 2017, in the framework of the event organised in Casier (Treviso) by the Treviso branch of FIPSAS (Italian federation of recreational fishing and underwater activities) and supported by the Sile River Regional Park Authority, Councilor Ruggero Sartorato informed FI...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
Dissemination activity under Action E5 of the LIFE14 NAT/IT/000809 SILIFFE Project, addressing FIPSAS in Treviso
Sunday, 30th April, on Rai Uno and then on RaiPlay
(Sabaudia, 27 Apr 17) Circeo National Park and its territory as you’ve never seen it. “Linea Verde” is back in the historic Italian Park to film the environments, landscapes, colours, contradictions and potential of a wonderful and varied ecosystem. A ...
Protected area: PN Circeo  |  Fonte: PN Circeo
Rai Uno’s historic broadcast “Linea Verde” at Circeo National Park
(Treviso, 26 Apr 17) The Sile River Regional Park Authority has issued a Call for expressions of interest to entrust (according to art. 36, comma 2.A of Legislative Decree 50/2016 s. m. and i.) the implementation of some activities included in the Life 14 NAT/IT/000809 Siliffe Project: Changes in areas of the Natura ...
Protected area: PR Fiume Sile  |  Fonte: PR Fiume Sile
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