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    Apricot (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) (photo by Archivio Ente Parchi e la Biodiversità - Romagna)


58 Products. Results from no. 21 to no. 40 (Sorting: Category > Product)


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Quality Brands

   Ricotta from sheep's milk

(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
  Apricot and fresh fruitApricot and fresh fruit
Apricots, cultivated above all in Santerno Valley, are widespread in the whole Park territory where,... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Production and direct sale of fresh season fruit: pears, apples, apricots, plums, cherries, berries,... >>
(PR Gessi Bolognesi)
PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
Marrone Chestnut of Castel del Rio PGIMarrone Chestnut of Castel del Rio PGI
On the slope of Vena del Gesso facing north, in particular between Borgo Rivola and Tossignano and... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
   Fir Tree Honeydew
Current Production Area in the Park Bagno di Romagna, Bibbiena, Chiusi della Verna, Poppi, Pratovecc... >>
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
History Without a doubt, describing the history of honey is not that easy. As a matter of fact, hone... >>
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
Honey production is mainly based on mixed flower honey. The best honey essences growing in the Park ... >>
(PR Gessi Bolognesi)
Locally-produced honey carries the scent of local flowers. The beekeepers keep the honey separated a... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Prodotti di Qualità
Honey from the Po Delta ParkHoney from the Po Delta Park

(PR Delta Po ER)
PDO - Protected Designation of Origin
Brisighella Extra-virgin Olive Oil PDOBrisighella Extra-virgin Olive Oil PDO
Brisighella extra-virgin olive oil PDO is an excellent quality product, famous all over Italy, exclu... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
The olive tree is becoming an increasingly important cultivation in the Park territory, although the... >>
(PR Gessi Bolognesi)
  Moretto ArtichokeMoretto Artichoke
On the dry and sunny clays of the gullies, Moretto Artichoke is traditionally cultivated. It is an a... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Vegetables and Legumes
PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
Romagna Shallot PGIRomagna Shallot PGI
Romagna Shallot PGI is a characteristic and traditional vegetable of the area of Vena del Gesso Roma... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Vegetables and Legumes
   Vegetables and Legumes
Production and direct sale of fresh season vegetables growing in outdoor fields and/or in greenhouse... >>
(PR Gessi Bolognesi)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Clams "Vongola di Goro"Clams "Vongola di Goro"
At Sacca di Goro, in the northernmost portion of Parco Delta del Po Emilia-Romagna, in the province ... >>
(PR Delta Po ER)
Slow Food Presidium

Traditional Marinated Eel of Valli di ComacchioTraditional Marinated Eel of Valli di Comacchio
Situated between river Po, river Reno, and the Adriatic Sea, Valli di Comacchio are a very important... >>
(PR Delta Po ER)
  Black Pork of ParmaBlack Pork of Parma

(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Cornigliese SheepCornigliese Sheep
It is a breed characterized by big-size sheep, with the head without horns in both males and females... >>
(PR Cento Laghi)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Cornigliese sheepCornigliese sheep

(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Mora Romagnola Pig BreedMora Romagnola Pig Breed
Mora Romagnola pig breed is unmistakable for its dark brown coat, almost black, after which it has b... >>
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat

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