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    Sea watching in Miramare (AMP Miramare) (photo by RM Miramare)

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92 Itineraries. Results from no. 21 to no. 40Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Cròstis valley and Fonderiis mountain passCròstis valley and Fonderiis mountain pass
(RR Val Alba)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Bird Watching Great interest: Geology Great interest: Photography 
Cycle-pedestrian way Giordano CotturCycle-pedestrian way Giordano Cottur
Trieste - Trst, Bottazzo - Botač, Draga, Kozina
Departure: Trieste
(RR Val Rosandra)
On foot By bike On foot
suitabe for all
about 6 to 7 hours walking
Great interest: Archeology 
Fontanone di GoriudaFontanone di Goriuda
Where water comes back to light
Departure: Val Raccolana – loc. Pian della Sega
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
On foot On foot
30 m
Great interest: Geology Great interest: Photography 
For the yachting loversFor the yachting lovers
(RR Foce Isonzo)
Canoe Boat Canoe
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Bird Watching Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Foran dal Mus geological pathForan dal Mus geological path
Departure: Sella Nevea
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Geology 
 Forcella Capra and Mt. Raut
Departure: Forcella di Pala Barzana (840m slm)
(PR Dolomiti Friulane)
On foot On foot
 From Moggio to the G. Bianchi Bivouac
Departure: Moggio
1 Lap: Alta Via del C.A.I. di Moggio
(RR Val Alba)
On foot On foot
 From the Bivouac
Departure: Dal bivacco
2 Lap: Alta Via del C.A.I. di Moggio
(RR Val Alba)
On foot On foot
From the Sea to the Karst Plateau, along the Nature TrailFrom the Sea to the Karst Plateau, along the Nature Trail
Naturalistic guided itinerary
(AMP Miramare)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Bird Watching Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Bagnoli della Rosandra – Boljunec, Vedetta Moccò, Botazzo – Botač, Bagnoli della Rosandra – Boljunec
Departure: Bagnoli della Rosandra – Boljunec
(RR Val Rosandra)
On foot On foot
suitabe for all
about 2 hours
Great interest: Panorama 
Hike by the Rio SimonHike by the Rio Simon
(RR Val Alba)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Bird Watching Great interest: Geology 
 In the Sign of Water
(VR Colline Carniche)
On foot On foot
Itinerariy 2: Valle Musi ring-routeItinerariy 2: Valle Musi ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
1h and 45 minutes without stops
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary 1: low Val Resia ring-routeItinerary 1: low Val Resia ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
3 h
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary 3: Monte Sflincis ring-routeItinerary 3: Monte Sflincis ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
1h and 45 minutes without stops
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary 4: High Val Resia ring-routeItinerary 4: High Val Resia ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
3h without stops
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary 5: Valle di Uccea ring-routeItinerary 5: Valle di Uccea ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
3h and 15 minutes without stops
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary 6: Tugliezzo - Verzan ring-routeItinerary 6: Tugliezzo - Verzan ring-route
(PR Prealpi Giulie)
By bike By bike
2h and 15 minutes without stops
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Photography 
Itinerary A (The Valley)Itinerary A (The Valley)
Departure: Fossalon
(RR Valle Cavanata)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Bird Watching 
Itinerary B (The Sea)Itinerary B (The Sea)
Departure: Fossalon
(RR Valle Cavanata)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Bird Watching 

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