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The website dedicated to the Grasslands Project is online

(Assergi, 16 Apr 13)

The Life+ "Praterie" project official website is online. The community project aims at the long-term conservation of the grasslands and pastures in Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, with the Park Authority being the only recipient and coordinator.
The website is realized by the company "Comunicazione" situated in Forlì, author and administrator of the web portal on Italian Parks "" as well. The new website aims at meeting the communication and information needs provided by the project's E5 specific action. The website represents the project's information interface, that includes the data regarding the mission, the goals, the actions and their progress status, also allowing users to verify both progress and results.
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Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
The website dedicated to the Grasslands Project is online
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