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Five other Italian protected areas obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas - The award ceremony in Brussels in December

The "chartered" parks are the Arcipelago Toscano and Cilento National Parks, the Torre Guaceto marne protected area, the Monviso Park and the Gole del Furlo regional reserve
(03 Ott 16) Five other Italian protected areas obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas - The award ceremony in Brussels in December The "chartered" parks are the Arcipelago Toscano and Cilento National Parks, the Torre Guaceto marne protected area, the Monviso Park and the Gole del Furlo regional reserve. They obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism and they will be celebrated in Brussels, at the European Parliament, in December during the usual official award ceremony. Italy's parks and reserves which obtained the ECST recognition are now 34. Read more (in Italian)
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Federparchi
Five other Italian protected areas obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas - The award ceremony in Brussels in December
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