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From the Press Agency of the Ligurian Regional Council
(Genova, 26 Lug 18) Assigned the executive planning and confirmed for a total of 12 million euros of fundings (5 already allocated, 7 confirmed today) for the works of Via dell'Amore, the panoramic path overlooking the sea that links Manarola to Riomaggiore, closed from 2012 due to a landslide. Further information (in...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
(Vogogna, 26 Lug 18) Considering the huge amount, on the Net, of videos taken inside the Park with drones, we signal that inside the protected area it is strictly forbidden to fly over with non-authorized vehicles, according to the Framework Law 394/91. Specific restrictions established by the conservation measures of Z...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Sunday 29 July 2018 from 08.45am to 12pm, the new Trekking that combines fitness and ecology.
(Manarola - Sede, 26 Lug 18) What is Plogging? It is a new trend that combines ecology and fitness. Plogging, a Swedish word formed by 'pick up' and 'run', is an activity in which you could run or walk collecting small abandoned waste along the path. Itinerary. Transfer by bus to the hamlet of Volastra. The departure from the ...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Plogging along paths. Manarola - Volastra
From 21st July to 15th September, local and internationally renowned artists will perform for the musical review organized by the Cesar Franck Association, born to enhance the Cinque Terre heritage.
(Riomaggiore, 11 Lug 18) Further information (in Italian)...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Artists of the XXXVII Cinque Terre International Music Festival
Environment news n.3
(La Maddalena, 11 Lug 18) Download the Environment News n. 3 enclosed about the activities of bats monitoring and protection....
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Environment News n.2
(La Maddalena, 04 Lug 18) Download here the environment news n. 2 of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Colonial marine birds: good practice
Environmental news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park
(La Maddalena, 27 Giu 18) Dowload the environment news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park here enclosed that concerns the invasive exotic species. Remember that if you have a Trachemys scripta, you could keep on breeding it but you have to declare its possession to the Ministry of the Environment and Protection ...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Admitted to the selection Andrea Colombelli, grant holder at the Management Body of the Park with the funds of IREN Group
(21 Giu 18) From 8th to 15th July 2018, the Summer University "Integrated approaches for sustainable development management, turism and local products in Biosphere Reserves" will be held, organized by the UNESCO Europe Office, in collaboration with the Greek MAB Office and the Mediterranean Information Office f...
Protected area: Aree Protette Po Torinese  |  Fonte: Aree Protette Po Torinese
The municipalities of the MaB CollinaPo Reserve
The municipalities of the MaB CollinaPo Reserve
Examination time for the Park. From 19 to 21 June, 19 tourism enterprises of Cinque Terre had undergone the external audits of the new System of accession to the Environmental Quality Label 2.0 - ECST Phase II.
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 21 Giu 18) It is about a distinguishing mark assigned by the Park to the Cinque Terre's tourism enterprises who have been involved with quality voluntary pathway, respect for the environment, enhancement of culture and local identity, following the EUROPARC Federation strategy given the European Charter for Su...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
The audits at the structures
The audits at the structures
For the second year the " Cinque Terre Art Festival Albe e Tramonti" comes back with six shows in the hamlets of Riomaggiore, Vernazza and Monterosso.
(Manarola, 21 Giu 18) Further information (in Italian)...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Teatro Pubblico Ligure: summer programme for 2018
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