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Parco Alpi Apuane


Life in the Park: One Week... and More

The European Day of Parks

From 21st to 28th May 2006

The Park is a always full of initiatives, 365 days a year…

  • From 21st to 28th May
    Projection "Multivision Parco Alpi Apuane"
    Every day in the Visitor Centers of Parco Alpi Apuane in Castelnuovo Garfagnana, Seravezza and Forno (Office opening hours)
    For information:
    - Seravezza 0584/756144 (info@prolocoseravezza.it)
    - Castelnuovo Garfagnana 0583/644242 (garfagnana@tin.it)
    - Forno 0585/315300 (il_bivacco@yahoo.it)

  • From 22nd to 28th May
    Week "Toscana Underground"
    : initiatives in the Park territory
    - Antro del Corchia (Levigliani di Stazzema - Lucca)
    - Grotta del Vento (Fornovolasco di Vergemoli - Lucca)
    - Grotta all'Onda (Camaiore - Lucca)
    - Parco culturale delle grotte di Equi (Equi Terme - Massa)
    - Sistema archeominerario delle Alpi Apuane (Loc. La Cappella, Seravezza - Lucca)
    For information: www.toscanaunderground.it

  • Saturday 27th May
    Audiovisual Projection "Apuane, ambiente e tradizione"
    Organized by Circolo Fotocinegarfagnana
    - Rifugio "Val Serenaia" (Minucciano - LU) at 9.00 p.m.

  • Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May
    CAI - Sez. Pisa: Preparation of the New Trail CAI 37
    Val Serenaia (Minucciano - LU)

  • Sunday 28th May
    6th National Day of CAI Trails
    CAI - Sez. Lucca and Sez. Viareggio: cleaning and settlement of Trail 129 (Ponte Merletti - Campanice - Fociomboli)

  • Friday 2nd June
    "5° Trofeo Alpi Apuane"
    From Isola Santa to Terrinca, Competitive and non-competitive mountain footrace - Km 13
    - Information, results, and photos www.terrinca.it

Events - Year 2006

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April 2006

  • Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April 2006
    Enolia: Tasting Wine and Oil
    During this famous event held in Serevezza, you will have the opportunity to taste the best wine and oil produced in the area of Lucca.
    Further info

  • From Saturday 22nd to Tuesday 25th April 2006
    The Valley of Azalea. Biennial
    Borgo a Mozzano - Biennial Fair dedicated to the Azalea, from Saturday 22nd to Tuesday 25th April, 4 days dedicated to nursery gardening.
    Further info

May 2006

  • Sunday 14th May 2006
    Tour with CAI of Lucca

    From Trassilico to Mt. Croce and Palagnana.
    Further info

  • Sunday 14th May 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. R. Nobili

    Tour to Mt. Croce with CAI Garfagnana Sez. R. Nobili.
    Further info

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June 2006

  • From Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th June 2006
    Three-day Trekking with CAI in Lucca

    From 2nd to 4th June, traverse from Pietrasanta to Castelnuovo di Garfagnana.
    Further info

  • Sunday 11th June 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana to Mt. Piglione
    Organized by the CAI section Roberto Nobili from Castelnuovo Garfagnana, this not very difficult tour is recommended if you want to resume hiking after the winter pause.
    Further info

  • Friday 16th June 2006
    Summer Solstice 2006 - Pruno
    When the sun, during its perennial journey, gets at 7.00 a.m. to Pania Forata, it's Summer Solstice time!
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  • Sunday 18th June 2006
    Tour with CAI of Lucca - Traverse
    Traverse from Arni - Mt. Sumbra - Capanne di Careggine.
    Further info

  • Sunday 25th June 2006
    Summer Festival in Pania

    On the occasion of the solstice, one day of celebrations in the Mountain Hut E. Rossi.
    Further info

  • Sunday 25th June 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. Roberto Nobili
    Via ferrata to Pizzo d'Uccello.
    Further info

  • Thursday 29th June 2006
    Careggine - San Pietro Feast

    San Pietro, patron of Careggine, is celebrated with an important procession accompanied by a music band. After the religious ceremony, the celebration goes on with dancing.

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July 2006

  • Sunday 2nd July 2006
    Dawn in Pania
    "Dawn in Pania" organized by the Garfagnana section of CAI R. Nobili.
    Further info

  • Sunday 16th July 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. Roberto Nobili to Marmitte dei Giganti

    To the potholes.
    Further info

  • Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd July 2006
    The Counties of Spelt
    In Piazza al Serchio, event dedicated to the spelt of Garfagnana PGI (protected geographical indication).
    Further info

  • Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th and Monday 31st July 2006
    Camporgiano - International Folklore Festival

    The International Folklore Festival of Camporgiano, at its 31st edition, is organized by the folkloric group "La Muffrina" in collaboration with the Municipal Administration.
    Further info

Gramolazzo Lake
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August 2006

  • From Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th August 2006
    37th Crisciolette Festival in Cascio

    From Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th August, the "Crisciolette Festival" in Cascio (Molazzana) is one of the most famous summer festivals in Garfagnana.
    Further info

  • Sunday 6th August 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. R. Nobili to Mt. Pisanino

    Tour to Mt. Pisanino.
    Further info

  • Thursday 10th August 2006
    Torchlight Procession in Pania

    The torches light up the silhouette of Pania della Croce, the queen of Apuane, making the night of the shooting stars even more evocative.
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  • From 12th to 20th August 2006
    Castelnuovo Garfagnana - Trade Week

    As every year, during the second half of August, Castelnuovo is committed into a series of initiatives of commercial animation with opening of the shops in the evening, games, music, and important events.

  • Saturday 19th August 2006
    Gallicano - Focaccia Leva Festival

    In the context of the medieval events, the celebration in the castle of Gallicano combines the high spirits of the costume parties with the tasting of Focaccia Leva.
    Further info

  • Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August 2006
    Alpi Apuane Celebrate!
    In the heart of the Park, in front of the wonderful scenario of Alpi Apuane, on a green and high plateau almost touching the sky, Careggine celebrates. Alpi Apuane celebrate, the great show of nature is back.
    Further info

September 2006

  • Sunday 3rd September 2006
    Women Festival in Castelnuovo Garfagnana
    The first Sunday of September, since the period of Estensi, an important market is held in Castelnuovo.
    Further info

  • Friday 8th September 2006
    The Vie Ferrate of Pizzo d'Uccello with CAI of Lucca
    With departure from Equi terme, we climb to Pizzo d'Uccello along the most beautiful vie ferrate of Alpi Apuane.
    Further info

  • Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September 2006
    Seravezza - Ancient "Fiera del Nove o dei becchi"
    Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September in Seravezza - Fair dedicated to traditional products of the Apuane mountains.
    Further info

  • Sunday 10th September 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. R. Nobili to Mt. Contrario and Cavallo
    Tour to Mt. Contrario - Mt. Cavallo.
    Further info

  • Sunday 24th September 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana Sez. R. Nobili Via Ferrata

    Long and important itinerary along the new via ferrata developing for about 700 meters, from Valle degli Alberghi to Pecore Pass, on the wild southern slopes of the group Contrario - Cavallo.
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October 2006

  • Sunday 15th October 2006
    Comparing the Honey of Upper Versilia Garfagnana and Serchio Valley

    In Cardoso di Gallicano, a tasting itinerary dedicated to the different and scented honeys of Garfagnana, of Upper Versilia and of Serchio Valley.
    Further info

  • Sunday 22nd October 2006
    Boiled Chestnuts in the Ancient Village

    In Colognora di Pescaglia, seat of the museum of chestnuts, one day dedicated to the most traditional autumn fruit: the chestnut.
    Further info

November 2006

  • Sunday 12th November 2006
    Tour with CAI Garfagnana to Mt. Corchia
    Tour to Mt. Corchia with CAI Garfagnana.
    Further info

The Christmas Crib in Antro del Corchia
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The Christmas Crib in Antro del Corchia
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December 2006

  • From Friday 8th to Sunday 10th December 2006
    "Città della Castagna"
    Castelnuovo G. - "Città della castagna" fair and tasting of chestnut flour PDO.
    Further info

  • Sunday 10th December 2006
    The Train of Tastes
    In Castelnuovo, the "train of tastes" comes with steam locomotive and period coaches.
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  • Sunday 17th December 2006
    To the Old Mill
    Fabbriche di Vallico - To the old mill: tastes and traditions of the ancient cuisine.
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  • From 23rd to 26th December 2006
    Equi Terme - Living Christmas Crib
    From 23rd to 26th December, in the charming scenario offered by the town of Equi Terme, representation of the Nativity.

  • Sunday 24th December 2006
    "I natalecci"
    Gorfigliano (Minucciano) - Lighting of "natalecci" at 6.00 p.m.
    Further info

For information: info@parcapuane.it - www.parcapuane.it
Visitor Welcome Center:
- Castelnuovo Garfagnana: Piazza Erbe - Tel. and Fax 0583/644242 - garfagnana@tin.it
- Forno: Ex Filanda - Tel. and Fax 0585/315300
- Seravezza: Tel. and Fax 0584/756144 - info@prolocoseravezza.it
For visits to Antro del Corchia: Levigliani - Tel. and Fax 0584/778405 - info@antrocorchia.it