
Hiking map no. 7 - Walking and Cycling in the Ducato Park territory (scale 1:25,000)

A new 1:25,000 hiking map, including 3 Parks and 1 Reserve managed by the Ducato Parks.
Pedestrian and cyclable paths in the Boschi di Carrega Park, Taro Park, Stirone and Piacenzano Park, and Monte Prinzera Reserve (for the reserve, see the new updated map).
More than 30 paths, almost 40 Points of interest and the borders of the Park marked on the map, over an area that ranges from the hills around Parma to those around Piacenza.
  • Publisher: GeoMedia
  • Size: 13.5x24 cm (closed)
  • Year: 2020
  • Scale: 1:25.000
  • Price: 8.00 €  
Hiking map no. 7 - Walking and Cycling in the Ducato Park territory (scale 1:25,000)
Hiking map no. 7 - Walking and Cycling in the Ducato Park territory (scale 1:25,000)
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