
Parco Archeologico Storico Naturale delle Chiese Rupestri del Materano

Piantare alberi: Criteri e principi di forestazione urbana

Material used, and kindly granted, by Prof. Francesco Ferrini for the conferences held on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September 2022 within the event called "NaturArte. Sui Sentieri dei Parchi di Basilicata - IV Edizione" for the Murgia Materana Park.

Francesco Ferrini

Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry - University of Florence

Full professor of Arboriculture and Arboreal Cultivation since 2005. He is President of the School of Agriculture of the University of Florence from 2015 to 2020 and currently a member of the Academic Senate.
The research activity carried out in the different institutions to which he belongs has enabled him to achieve results in the fields of urban and ornamental arboriculture and ornamental nursery. His published works (about 360, including 4 popular books in Italian and a scientific one in English as at 30 December 2021, 107 indexed in Scopus, H-Index 28, Google Scholar H-index 34) have been positively evaluated by both the scientific and operational world, and are considered to be as one of the main references of the Italian activity in the field, as well as several times cited by international authors.
He has presented the results of his research at more than 250 conferences both in Italy and abroad, with both scientific and technical-popular papers.
He has served as President of the Italian Society of Arboriculture from February 2005 to February 2011, and been a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) from 2005 to 2016.
He received the International Society of Arboriculture's L.C. Chadwick Award for Arboricultural Research in 2010 and the ISA Award of Merit in 2019.
He is Coordinator of the joint workshop UNIFI_SOI "Value" – Verde Urbano e benessere (Urban Green and Well-being).
From 2 July 2021, he is President of the Distretto Rurale Vivaistico-Ornamentale (Rural Nursery and Ornamental District) of the province of Pistoia
  • Author/s: Francesco Ferrini
Piantare alberi: Criteri e principi di forestazione urbana
Piantare alberi: Criteri e principi di forestazione urbana
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