
Comacchio and the colours of the Valley

A wonderful itinerary in the heart of Valli di Comacchio, suspended between land and water

  • Trail Conditions: By bike
  • Interest: Wildlife, Hystory
  • Departure: Comacchio
  • Length: 27.1 km
  • Difference in height: level ground

The bike itinerary begins in Comacchio, a lagoon town with many bridges and canals. After visiting the old town, reach Manifattura dei Marinati, an ancient fish processing factory, where eels and valley fish is still marinated as it was in the past. Going towards the valleys, past the picturesque neighbourhood of San Pietro, reach the riverbanks of Valle Fattibello, from whose turret the vast view can be admired. Cross the drawbridge and go along the riverbank as far as Stazione di Pesca Foce (Foce fishing station): from there, a motor vessel will take you on a historical-natural trip of Valli di Comacchio.

Further information
Salt mine of Comacchio
Salt mine of Comacchio
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