
Information Point - Capanno Tassoni Refuge

Via Capanna Tassoni, 4919
41021 Fanano (MO)
Municipality: Fanano
Region: Emilia-Romagna

Tel. 0536/68364 - 331/9812750

Capanno Tassoni Refuge is located at 1,317 meters above sea level, along the road that from Ospitale di Fanano climbs to the Croce Arcana pass, on the high Modenese Apennines on the border with Tuscany. The structure, located in a beech and fir forest, offers room and board by reservation.

It also carries out the activity as an Information point for the Frignano Park, providing promotional and descriptive material of the territory and of the events, that is distributed free of charge.
Opening times: every day (except on Mondays 06-20/07 and 03-17/08) from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
Openings in 2020: from 27/06 to 06/09
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