
Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia


Products: Cheese

The Tastes of Lessinia

Lessinia is characterized by a rich wine production and gastronomy, linked to local dishes and products like "gnochi de malga", mushrooms, chestnuts, Monte Veronese cheese, and to famous wines of the piedmont area like Valpolicella, Amarone, Recioto, Soave, Valdadige-Terra dei Forti, and Lessini Durello.

Further information (Italian text)

The Park Tastes
The Park Tastes
Found 7 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Caciotta Erbezzina
It is a mountain cheese made with cow's milk and characterized by a short maturation period, whose name derives from the town where it is produced. This name has been given to it after a technical commission awarded it a prize during the traditional...
Category: Cheese
Cheese Flavored with Herbs and Special Cheese
According to a local habit dating back to the last century, aromatic herbs are added during the cheese processing. Among the most common herbs in Lessinia there are thyme, rosemary, sage, cumin, elder, calendula, nettle, lemon balm, fennel, mallow, oat...
Category: Cheese
Cimbrian Cheese
Cheese variety produced in the Municipality of Roverè Veronese: its name is linked to the Cimbrian German people that colonized Lessinia in the past. The milk used is gathered on the spot, often at over 1,000m of altitude. The mountain climate...
Category: Cheese
Goat Cheese
Goat breeding activities have been characterizing Lessinia since ancient times. Nowadays, a few small breeding activities still survive: the milk produced is used to make goat cheese, both fresh and mature, characterized by an intense taste, as well as...
Category: Cheese
Lessinia Cheese
The milk coming from the cattle breeding activities of Lessinia plateau is skillfully transformed into several cheese and caciotte in the local cheese-making factories. Besides the products that have already been described, the products that can obtain...
Category: Cheese
Milk, Butter, Yogurt, and Ice-Cream
The milk coming from Lessinia pastures is characterized by the organoleptic features deriving from the great variety of essences growing in the pastures. The properties of milk also characterize the products deriving from it which, as a consequence,...
Category: Cheese
Monte Veronese
Verona plain is delimited in the north by Lessini Mountains, a very ancient cheese-making area whose origins date back to the first 13th century Cimbrian settlements. Monte Veronese, which obtained the PDO in 1992, is a semi-cooked texture cheese produced...
Category: Cheese
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