
Brochure La flora e la fauna della Riserva Naturale delle Valli del Mincio

The Mincio Valleys Nature Reserve is a wetland of international importance (Ramsar Convention), a casket of biodiversity reminding us of the river professions once based on fishing and on the cane and sedge processing. Both these aspects are the cornerstone of the Mincio Park Visitor Center's rooms and Ethnographic Museum of the river professions in Rivalta sul Mincio (Rodigo, Mantova).
  • Size: 33x68 cm
  • Price: 1.00 €  
Brochure La flora e la fauna della Riserva Naturale delle Valli del Mincio
Brochure La flora e la fauna della Riserva Naturale delle Valli del Mincio
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