
Parco Naturale Regionale di Montemarcello-Magra-Vara

Aree protette fluviali in Italia

Biodiversity, integrated management, and rules

"The first book collecting and comparing the experiences of the River Protected Areas in Italy with the contribution of directors, experts, and researchers.
The volume highlights the need to create a network of the sometimes very different situations - both as far as 'age' and management are concerned - as well as the need to coordinate River Protected Areas at a national level among them and with the other parks and protected areas, a task that Federparchi has taken on itself."

The Study Center on Protected Areas and River Environments was established by Montemarcello-Magra Park on 6-10-2005 to support the creation of a network of all Italian river protected areas and water basins and to promote Pilot Projects aiming at Preserving, Recovering, and Renaturalizing the river environment. The Study Center is situated at the Minor Fauna Regional Center in Sarzana and organizes debates, seminars, and publications linked to the river issue with the aim to create a meeting occasion for all the Italian river protected areas and water basins.
  • Series: Le Aree Naturali Protette, diretta da Renzo Moschini / 08
  • Author/s: AA.VV.
  • Edited by: Centro Studi sulle aree protette fluviali del Parco di Montemarcello-Magra
  • Publisher: Edizioni ETS
  • ISBN: 978-884671546-3
  • Pages: 264
  • Size: 14x21cm
  • Year: 2007
  • Price: 22.00 €  

- Presentation by Luigi Bertone
- Introduction by Ippolito Ostellino, with the contribution of several River Parks.

Aree protette fluviali in Italia
Aree protette fluviali in Italia
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