
Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

Products: Sweets

The Park Local Products

The local cuisine boasts without a doubt an ancient and constant tradition of genuineness; the careful preparation of the dishes and the quality of the products offered by breeding and agricultural activities transforms also the most simple dishes into something special... The local dishes include "maccheroni alla chitarra", made with the particular tool with metal strings resembling the musical instrument, the orapi (wild spinach) and bean soup, gnocchetti with water, flour, and wild spinaches, and barbecued meat.
The local products are linked to sheep breeding tradition and to transhumance, and include pecorino, sheep's milk ricotta, cow's milk caciocavallo, but also a rare goat's milk cheese called Marzolina. All products are processed by hand, guaranteeing in this way an excellent quality standard. And again legumes, vegetables, honey, and fruit jams finding in the uncontaminated soils of Abruzzo Lazio e Molise National Park the ideal climatic conditions to obtain top-quality products.
Moreover, the local tradition includes sweets based on almonds, nougats, and delicious liquors like Ratafià and Centerbe.
The atmosphere you can breathe in these places recalls an ancient history made of strong traditions, arts and professions handed down from generations and characterizing the "tough" personality of the local people devoted to agriculture, sheep breeding, and craftsmanship activities like hand weaving, ceramics, wrought iron, stone, and wood working.

Found 2 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Dedicated to the bear, the great mammal becomes the symbol of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, Pan dell'orso is a soft sweet made with almond paste, barley, butter and "mountain taste" honey.
Category: Sweets
Torrone of Alvito
Already in the 18th century in Alvito, a soft torrone was produced: it was made with almond paste, candied fruit, and white frosting. At the beginning of the 20th century, the tradition has been recovered by increasing the range of products, often prepared...
Category: Sweets
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