
Geoguida - Carta Geologica - Escursionistica Geodiversità D'Appennino - Ghiacciai Scomparsi e grandi frane nel crinale parmense (Scala 1:17000)

The Geoguide offers the opportunity to discover some geosites of the Parma Apennines.
On one side of the leaflet we could understand the landscape shapes left by the ancient glaciers: basins that host lakes and peat bogs, glacial cirques and moraine deposits, environments of naturalistic value; on the other side, we could discover a large landslide, one of the largest in Europe that has upset the inhabited places and the territory of Corniglio.
The map also contains general information on the National Park, on Geosites, on Natura 2000 Network Sites and on the MAB Appenino Tosco Emiliano Reserve.
  • Size: 11x20 cm (folded) - 88x60 (unfolded)
  • Scale: 1:17000
  • Price: free
Geoguida - Carta Geologica - Escursionistica Geodiversità D'Appennino - Ghiacciai Scomparsi e grandi frane nel crinale parmense (Scala 1:17000)
Geoguida - Carta Geologica - Escursionistica Geodiversità D'Appennino - Ghiacciai Scomparsi e grandi frane nel crinale parmense (Scala 1:17000)
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