
Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi

Dolomiti Bellunesi Strawberry

The strawberry whose cultivation has become widespread in the area of Dolomiti Bellunesi belongs to the family Rosacee. The main species is Fragaria vesca L.
The cultivated plants are selections of various species of the genus Fragaria, and sometimes hybrids. Together with these selections, some local holdings offer the Woodland Strawberry, a characteristic selected variety very similar for taste and perfume to the "neighboring" spontaneous undergrowth strawberries, with which it shares the same environment and climate. The mountain features of the cultivation areas (proximity to woodlands and, therefore, shady and cool areas) as well as their considerable natural features give to the strawberries of the Bellunese mountains a good quality, that can be easily checked in the sensorial analyses.
As a matter of fact, the organoleptic features (sweetness, acidity, aroma, perfume) depend on the climate and on particular conditions like the strong daily temperature ranges. Besides the varieties used, the high quality level of the pulp color and its good consistency are of great interest. The cultivation of re-flowering, semi-precocious strawberries with medium-size fruits is dominating and traditional.

Dolomiti Bellunesi Strawberry
Dolomiti Bellunesi Strawberry
The Producers
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Ponte nelle Alpi (BL)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Belluno (BL)
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