Logo Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

The Horse Riding Trail of the Park

The Longest Horse Riding Trail in Italy

The Horse Riding Trail of the Park
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The Horse Riding Trail of the Park
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The Horse Riding Trail of the Park
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320 km between nature and culture ...

A long itinerary giving you the opportunity to discover and appreciate an extraordinary environmental and cultural heritage along old mule tracks, carriage roads, and trails surrounded by landscapes of uncontaminated beauty, towns and villages, pastures and woods of beech and downy oak. More or less, the trail follows the already existing itineraries which, for centuries, have linked towns and villages divided by Gran Sasso massif or have been always used by farmers to reach the high-mountain cultivated fields.

The Park has created a long ring-route around Gran Sasso massif, enriched by a network of shorter branches and circuits, for a total of about 300 km of adequately recovered trails.
The trail develops on the slopes of Teramo, L'Aquila, and Pescara of Gran Sasso d'Italia. Its recovery includes the creation of rest areas equipped with shelters for horses, like in the case of Paladini complex in the Municipality of Crognaleto, provided with a guest house of 50 beds, a restaurant, an information point, and a stable that can welcome 10 horses.
The long itinerary links the holiday farms to the horse riding centers, favoring the development of private services for a better accommodation both for riders and horses.
Of course, these trails are not suitable only for horse riding, but also to go on foot or by mountain bike.

Accommodation Structures along the Horse Riding Trail

... the friendly hospitality of the Park residents for who loves horse riding, tourism on horseback or by mountain bike and, more in general, "green tourism"

Area "Alta Valle Aterno"

Area "Valle Siciliana"

Area "Terre della Baronia"

Area "Strada Maestra"