
Il sentiero di Greta e Anselmo

Didactic map

The map includes the games and activities planned, organized, and played by the classes that took part in the didactic activities of Nord Milano Park during the school year 2000/2001, and their location (as if it were a treasure hunt) in specific places in the woodlands of the Park.
The path was originally planned with 86 laps characterized by 86 trees, chosen by 86 classes (kindergartens, elementary, and middle schools): however, the route planned has not been entirely prepared. As a matter of fact, only 38 trees have been "labeled".
Therefore, the map of Greta and Anselmo's path includes the route and the project of the 38 games corresponding to the 38 trees.
The brochure, published with the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo, is available in the Park Head Offices. Free publication.
  • Author/s: Urso Massimo, Colombo Tomaso
  • Year: 2001
  • Price: free
Il sentiero di Greta e Anselmo
Il sentiero di Greta e Anselmo
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