
Pontoglio - Orzinuovi

  • Trail Conditions: By bike
  • Interest: Panorama, Hystory
  • Departure: Pontoglio
  • Arrival: Orzinuovi
  • Difficulty Level: medium-easy, by city bike
  • Length: 24.4 km

Leaving the center of Pontoglio, along via Garibaldi, skirt the Oglio river and arrive at the sports facilities; turn to the right in via Maglio and skirting a large bend of the Oglio, reach the power plant.
Turn left on a short link to the railway underpass and take a long straight road that leads you to Urago d'Oglio. you reach the first houses of the town turn right, meet the underpass, after which you go up to via Umberto I and reach the main square, where you could admire the entrance of the Martinengo Castle.

Leave the square on the right going down Via Dosso, in the direction of the countryside; the route approaches the river for a short distance, before detaching from it, then heading towards Rudiano. Enter Rudiano from Via Lavoro and Industria, at the first crossroads turn right in the direction of the river, going down Via Europa which continues with Via della Rocca (if you want you can take a short break along the life path on the river embankment, following the Via Fiume Oglio). After the short climb of Via Marconi, return to the village, turn right along the Vicolo Molino and the Vicolo Chiesa, and then take Via Madonna in Pratis downhill; near the Madonna in Pratis Sanctuary, return to the village, going up a small path on the left uphill, take Via Campoforte to the cemetery, behind which the asphalted path begins (Via San Martino), winding through the fields and that leads you leads into the territory of the municipality of Roccafranca. Reached the intersection with Via Gerre, turning right you can reach the center of Roccafranca, while taking left, you continue on the cycle path. A refreshment point is open near the dam on the Oglio river. The cycle path of Via Pallavicina continues in the direction of Orzinuovi, turns right into Via Montagnola and ends at the crossroads with Via Vecchia. From here, turning right you can get to the banks of the river, while turning left you continue your path reaching the residential area of ​​Orzinuovi.

Street: asphalted - unpaved

2ª Tappa: Cycle route of the Oglio River

Pallavicina Tower
Pallavicina Tower
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