
Studio floristico-vegetazionale delle Lanche di Gerra Gavazzi e di Runate (Canneto sull'Oglio, MN)

This first publication of the Park aims at providing a first floristic-vegetational framing of  the oxbows of Gerra Gavazzi and Runate, in order to establish estimates, goals, and strategies considering the establishment of the nature reserve. The main aims of the survey can be summarized as follows: individuation of floristic species and phytocenoses of greatest value and rarity; individuation of the floristic degraded stretches in the area; proposals of action for the recovery of the municipal area adjacent to the oxbow of Gerra Gavazzi.
  • Series: I Quaderni del Parco
  • Author/s: Marco Colli
  • Publisher: Consorzio del Parco Oglio Sud
  • Pages: 48
  • Size: 16.5x23cm
  • Year: 2000
  • Price: 5.16 €  
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
Studio floristico-vegetazionale delle Lanche di Gerra Gavazzi e di Runate (Canneto sull'Oglio, MN)
Studio floristico-vegetazionale delle Lanche di Gerra Gavazzi e di Runate (Canneto sull'Oglio, MN)
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